The Status Bar plays host to all sorts of vital information about your handset, including its wireless signal strength, the battery level, and the time. The time indicator is perhaps one of the most frequently-checked indicators of them all, but it tends to be somewhat bland out of the box.
Enter Timemoji, a new free jailbreak tweak by iOS developer 1di4r that replaces the native “A.M.” and “P.M.” indicators with specific Emojis of your choice.
At first, Timemoji seems like nothing more than a quirky tweak. But as you can see for yourself in the screenshot examples above, you can get creative with your choice of Emojis to help you better discern what time of day it is.
In these examples, certain Sun Emojis depict when it’s early morning or after morning, while a star Emoji depicts when it’s the evening and certain Moon Emojis depict when it’s nighttime or after midnight.
These are obviously only recommendations, and you can follow any template that you want to. After you install Timemoji, you can visit the tweak’s preference pane in the Settings app to configure it to your liking:
Here, you can:
- Toggle Timemoji on or off on demand
- Choose the Emoji that appears by the time at and after midnight
- Choose the Emoji that appears by the time at and after early morning
- Choose the Emoji that appears by the time at and after morning
- Choose the Emoji that appears by the time at and after evening
- Choose the Emoji that appears by the time at and after night
The developer includes a Respring button that you can use to save any changes you make in the preference pane. You should use this every time you change your Emoji setup to ensure your changes take effect.
If you’re interested in spicing up your Status Bar’s time display with Timemoji, then you can download the tweak for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repository. The tweak plays nicely on all jailbroken iOS 11 and 12 devices.
What Emojis will you configure for your Status Bar’s time display? Let us know by dropping a comment below.
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