At WWDC 2019, Apple surprised everyone by previewing its insanely powerful and amazing 6K 32-inch Pro Display XDR. With a sustained brightness of 1000 nits and impeccable color accuracy, the Pro Display XDR is truly meant for professionals. However, Apple made itself the subject of many internet memes and jokes when it revealed that one has to buy the Pro Display XDR stand separately for $999. Yes, that’s an additional $999 for a stand for a monitor which costs $4,999.

Before we look at all the hilarious memes surrounding the Pro Display XDR and its $999 stand, I think it is worth going through the audience reaction again at the WWDC 2019 venue when Apple revealed that the stand needs to be purchased separately.

Now, let’s have a look at some of the memes surrounding the ridiculous pricing of the Pro Stand.

Pro stands for Pro-bably gonna be expensive from r/memes

What a price! from r/dankmemes

MSI, which known for making PC components and monitors, took a jibe at Apple’s Pro Stand display pricing as well.

I do think that Apple rightfully deserves all the memes and criticism that it is getting for the pricing of the Pro Stand. The company should have launched the Apple Pro Display XDR with a price tag of $5,999 and announced that one could get it without a stand for $4,999. It is just downright ridiculous that Apple is shipping a $4,999 monitor without any kind of stand whatsoever.

What are your thoughts on the pricing of the Apple Pro Display stand?