Some Users Having Trouble Connecting to Mac App Store
Posted by Evan Selleck on May 02, 2019 in App Store, Apple News, News

It’s coming to the end of the week and maybe you were ready to peruse the Mac App Store for something fun to download. Unfortunately, you may have run into an issue like others are today.
There are reports sprouting up on Thursday of the Mac App Store failing to connect for some users. It does not appear to matter which of the categories you try to access, either. Discover failed to load entirely for iPhoneHacks, for instance. “Work” failed to load, too. However, “Play”, “Create”, “Develop”, and “Categories” all loaded up just fine.
The “Updates” tab appears to be working at the time of publication as well.
It’s worth noting that some reports indicate that the various sections of the Mac App Store can work and stop working at random times. So if one section is working now, it may stop with the next try. Apple’s official system status page has not been updated to reflect any major outage at this time.
Are you experiencing any issues with the Mac App Store?
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