Renowned jailbreak tweak developer Ryan Petrich hasn’t been as active in the jailbreak community as he once was, but the unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 12 seems to have awakened the dormant beast.
Petrich announced updates to a bevy of vital jailbreak packages via Twitter this week, including RocketBootstrap, Activator, and Flipswitch:
For those who don’t already know, RocketBootstrap isn’t a jailbreak tweak per-se, but rather a dependency that several jailbreak tweaks rely on to function properly.
Soon after the unc0ver public beta picked up official support for iOS 12 with Cydia and Cydia Substrate, it was learned that RocketBootstrap had issues on the newer firmware and that it needed to be updated for compatibility. The latest update is a beta, albeit compatible with the unc0ver iOS 12 jailbreak.
As for Activator and Flipswitch, these are standalone jailbreak tweaks that can augment any device’s user experience, but several other jailbreak tweaks also depend on them for bits and pieces of functionality.
The newest updates to Activator and Flipswitch mean that jailbreakers on iOS 12 can install both and utilize them however they see fit. But perhaps more importantly, these updates mean that jailbreak developers can now properly update their Activator-dependent tweaks for compatibility with iOS 12.
From what we can gather, Petrich never really left the jailbreak community, but rather sat out on the sidelines to see how things would go. Given the increased interest in jailbreaking since team unc0ver released the first public iOS 12 jailbreak, it should be interesting to see whether Petrich will develop any new projects for jailbreakers going forward.
Are you excited about the new updates to RocketBootstrap, Activator, and Flipswitch? Discuss in the comments.
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