If you’re in possession of a jailbroken iPhone and you also have a pair of AirPods that are securely encased in one of Nomad’s luxury Horween leather cases, then this is your lucky week!
iOS developer sirhamsalot has just released a fun and quirky new jailbreak tweak called NomadPods that replaces the standard AirPods case icon in the AirPods Bluetooth HUD and in the Battery widget with something that more closely depicts Nomad’s Horween leather AirPods case instead.
In the screenshot examples above, you’ll find that the developer has done an outstanding job of porting these graphics to the native iOS interface. In fact, they almost look like they belong there.
As some of my recent favorite accessory posts denote, I’m a particularly big fan of Nomad-branded accessories for my Apple gear, and my beloved AirPods are no exception. That said, when I saw the announcement for this tweak on /r/jailbreak this week, I knew it was something I just had to have.
At the time of this writing, NomadPods only displays a brown Nomad Horween leather AirPods case and there’s no way to change the color if you’re using something other than brown. Fortunately, the developer says that an upcoming update will change that.
The target audience for such a tweak is obviously somewhat small, but since the tweak isn’t available on any of the most significant Cydia repositories, we wanted to give it some attention for those who might be using any of Nomad’s AirPods cases.
If you’re interested in trying NomadPods for yourself, then you can download it for free from sirhamsalot’s beta repository in Cydia. If you’re not already using this repository, then you’ll need to add it to Cydia using the following steps:
1) Launch the Cydia app and go to the Sources tab.
2) Tap on the Edit button and then tap on the Add button.
3) In the text field of the pop-up that appears, type in the following repository URL:
4) Tap on the Add Source button and wait for the repository to load into Cydia.
5) Now you should be able to search for and install NomadPods from Cydia.
NomadPods plays nicely with all jailbroken iOS 11 and 12 devices, so will you be downloading it? Let us know in the comments section below.
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