While I do love jailbreak tweaks that serve a functional purpose, I also enjoy the occasional fun and quirky add-on that makes my handset do something interesting. TiltPaper by iOS developer c1d3r just so happens to be one of those add-ons.
As you might have inferred from the tweak’s name, TiltPaper makes something interesting happen with your wallpaper when you tilt your device in your hand. More specifically, the wallpaper appears to ‘scroll’ from left to right, an effect much more noticeable than Apple’s native Parallax feature.
TiltPaper works on both the Home screen and Lock screen, as you’re about to see in the screenshot examples below:
On the Home screen:
On the Lock screen:
Obviously, this isn’t something you’d want to use if you’re prone to motion sickness, but those who can handle this type of extreme motion might enjoy how it helps their handset stand out from the rest. In fact, you’re likely to get some inquisitive questions from those around you when they witness the tweak for themselves.
Pointless? Perhaps. But it’s also fun and quirky. I’ve long enjoyed installing not-so-serious jailbreak tweaks alongside my more serious ones, and for that reason, I’ve enjoyed testing TiltPaper. With no options to configure, what you see is what you get.
TiltPaper isn’t hosted in any of Cydia’s default or major repositories, and there’s no telling if that will change in the future. In the meantime, you can download TiltPaper for free from c1d3r’s repository; to add it and download the tweak, you’ll need to follow these steps:
1) Launch the Cydia app and go to the Sources tab.
2) Tap on the Edit button and then tap on the Add button.
3) In the text field of the pop-up that appears, type in the following repository URL:
4) Tap on the Add Source button and wait for the repository to load into Cydia.
5) Now you should be able to search for and install SmartLight from Cydia.
TiltPaper is compatible with all jailbroken iOS 11 and iOS 12 handsets. It should work with most wallpapers, whether stock or third-party.
What are your thoughts about TiltPaper and the way it impacts your wallpaper? Let us know in the comments section below.
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