“Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone.” — Steve Jobs, 2007. Every time I read or think of this quote, I’m reminded of how influential the Original iPhone is. I don’t say this from a fanboy perspective. Even the Cupertino firm’s heavy critics acknowledge that this device indeed paved way for the smartphones of today. The product jumpstarted many of the mobile technologies that we depend on and take for granted nowadays. Thanks to its vision, we now have great iPhones and Android phones to pick from. This isn’t to say that iPhones are better or worse than Android devices. This is a mere acknowledgment that the Original iPhone is, in many ways, one of the most notable stones that built the solid foundation upon which today’s mobile devices have emerged.
About this article: Grid Studio provided me with a Grid 1 unit. The company had no input in this article, apart from the quoted paragraph — all opinions stated are independently mine.
Story Time
I’ve known of Grid Studio for a while now. For the unfamiliar, this company — founded in September 2020 — tears apart certain used electronics. Afterward, it frames the parts in an elegant manner — highlighting some of the notable and relevant specifications. The end result is both informative and cosmetic. Though, customers seek it mostly for the latter, decorative aspect of it.
“From hobby to business, our studio started as a hobby and its birth was completely accidental. One of our partners had the whim, after taking apart his equipment, hand-painting and gluing the parts on paper, and he finally made an amazing piece of art! At first, this was just a hobby, but we thought it should be shared with more people who also love this, so that’s when we started our business.”
Those closest to me know that I’m in no way a hoarder. I try to preserve only what’s essential to me — as it makes me feel physically lighter, despite not carrying all of my belonging at all times. I even boast about depending on only one suitcase and a backpack when I relocated to a different country — without leaving anything behind. So now you have an idea about how selective I am when it comes to keeping materialistic objects around.
I’ve always admired the frames that Grid Studio produces. The company truly caters to a wide variety of fanbases and enthusiasts. In spite of trying to limit my belongings to a bare minimum, I still had to get my hands on one of its frames — a very particular one, which has a certain significance to me personally.
When my frame got delivered, the first message I sent to a colleague was “Their packaging is better than Apple’s.” Now, this might be an exaggeration, but there’s still truth in it. Starting with the outer cardboard package, it came with reinforced plastic corners to ensure that no damage occurs during shipment. The frame indeed arrived from abroad without cracks or scratches whatsoever. After you unbox it, you’re faced with a paper wrap with a wax-like seal. It certainly adds a dramatic effect as you tear through it to reach the frame. You can balance the actual frame on any stable, horizontal surface. Alternatively, you could mount it on a wall — thanks to the included attachments.
The Original iPhone — Framed.
Of course, I opted for the Original iPhone frame — — as the phone is an iconic symbol. Smartphones have matured, and the annual upgrades have become mundane. Nonetheless, the Original iPhone deserves to be celebrated and immortalized. It shaped up the smartphone when the concept was still vague. Who would forget THE circular home button — which Apple still uses on some models today, over 15 years later? Even Samsung was taken to court for borrowing and using the design on some of its phones, such as the Galaxy Ace.
It’s almost like a sacred symbol, hanging there, watching over the newer Apple products on my desk.
Grid 1 displays the internal and external elements of the legendary iPhone on a 13-by-13 inch white surface. It also includes sleek labels to help you identify what each part is. Though, fear not — Grid Studio doesn’t include real batteries in its frames. So there’s no risk of inflation or explosion. Obviously, the rest of the parts are all genuine ones, extracted from original, used units.
To be honest, before the package arrived, I had some doubts. I had feared that the Grid 1 would just be a useless addition to my room. However, now that it’s here, I can safely say that this frame doesn’t get boring or old. Every time I step into my room, I just spare a second to admire how beautifully it dissects the Original iPhone and breaks it down. It’s almost like a sacred symbol, hanging there, watching over the newer Apple products on my desk. It truly is a must-have frame for Apple or iPhone enthusiasts.
I get it. Not everyone wants an Original iPhone over their head as they sleep. After all, some people have nightmares about this device. The great thing about Grid Studio is its product diversity. The company sells frames of other iPhone models, your favorite iPad or Apple Watch, Android phones, game consoles, Nokia and Blackberry phones, etc. So no matter which manufacturer you’re passionate about, you likely will find some of its devices as framed options to choose from.
Grid 1 is a frame from Grid Studio, which features a torn-apart Original iPhone. It’s a great decorative piece, offering a blend of sophistication and minimalism. You can get a 10% discount on your first order if you subscribe to the company’s store.
Will you be buying a framed Original iPhone from Grid Studio? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Grid 1 is the perfect frame to honor and immortalize the Original iPhone appeared first on XDA.
This content was originally published here.
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