It’s no secret by now that the iPhone’s native volume HUD leaves a lot to be desired, especially in the realms of aesthetics and intrusiveness. Thankfully, there are a plethora of jailbreak tweaks in Cydia that can change how your iPhone’s volume HUD looks, and we’re here today to talk about the latest in this batch of tweaks called FlashyHUD by iOS developer Nepeta.
As shown in the screenshot example above, FlashyHUD provides a volume HUD interface that appears at the very edge of the display, hence preventing it from getting in your way and causing a ruckus. Perhaps more importantly, FlashyHUD is fully-configurable; not only can you colorize it however you want, but you can also choose where it appears on your display.
Once installed, you’ll find a preference pane in the Settings app dedicated to the FlashyHUD tweak:
From here, you can do any of the following:
- Choose a media volume color
- Choose a ringer volume color
- Toggle the drop shadow on or off
- Toggle animations on or off
- Select a position for the volume HUD
- Configure a custom thickness
- Configure a custom length
- Configure a custom distance from the edge of the display
- Enable and configure a color gradient
- Enable and configure a background
- Adjust the volume HUD opacity
- Adjust the volume HUD corner radius
- Adjust the volume HUD vertical offset
- Adjust the volume HUD horizontal offset
FlashyHUD is as minimalist as it is customizable, and if you’re ready to ditch that horrendous native volume HUD on your jailbroken iPhone or iPad, then you’ll find the tweak for free in Cydia’s Nepeta repository. FlashyHUD supports all jailbroken iOS 11 and 12 devices.
Do you think FlashyHUD is an improvement over the stock volume HUD interface? Let us know down in the comments section below!
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