Apple’s New ‘Shot on iPhone XS’ Video Highlights Saving Whale Sharks in the Maldives
Posted by Evan Selleck on Apr 15, 2019 in iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max, News

Apple is adding new short films, shot on the iPhone XS, at a pretty quick pace lately. Just recently the company showcased a behind-the-scenes look at two of the biggest stars on the Toronto Maple Leafs, a team in the National Hockey League currently in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Now, the company is using the iPhone XS as a way to shed light on whale shark conservation.
The new video is actually pretty long, all things considered, coming in at eight minutes. That makes it three minutes longer than the look at surfing in Cuba the company published earlier this month under the same marketing campaign. In this new video, the iPhone XS is used to take a look at the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme (MWSRP). Here is how Apple describes the short film:
“The Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme (MWSRP) is a charity that is breaking new ground in whale shark research and fostering community-focused conservation initiatives. The field team of the MWSRP monitors the demographics and movement of different species such as whale sharks using an iOS app.”
The Reef, Maldives was directed by Sven Dreesbach, while Carlos Vargas and Dreesbach handled cinematography. Julia Etzelmueller produced the film, music was handled by Perera Elsewhere, and editing was handled in part by Benjamin Entrup. Tico Zamore was in charge of sound design, and Kamran Khan took care of voice talent.
You can check out the video just below:
We Want To Hear From You
What do you think of these short videos, which do a good job of focusing on a subject, but at the same time obviously showing off the iPhone XS’s camera abilities?
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