Select Apple Stores around the United States are hosting new health events throughout February to celebrate American Heart Month.
The first took place at Apple Union Square in San Francisco on Monday and featured Apple vice president Dr. Sumbul Desai, fitness trainer Jeanette Jenkins, and president of the American Heart Association, Robert Harrington.
Health has become an increasingly important focus for Apple since the introduction of HealthKit framework and Health app in 2014. Its latest Apple Watch, which features a revolutionary ECG sensor, lets users monitor heart health in detail like never before.
Now Apple is running its first health events at flagship Apple Stores in big cities, including New York, Chicago, and San Francisco.
Apple kicks off heart health events
During this week’s event, which was moderated by Apple fitness expert Julz Arny, Desai shared some of the reasons why she decided to join Apple from Stanford University, where she worked as a physician and digital health executive director.
“I went to medical school to have an impact and now I have the opportunity to be able to do that at scale,” she said, according to CNBC.
Desai and other Apple employees also spoke about how they take time to read the health-related letters users send to Apple CEO Tim Cook, which are said to inspire product decisions the company makes. “It drives the work we do at Apple,” Desai said.
Updates on Apple Heart Study
Desai and Harrington used the event to update Apple fans on the progress of the Apple Heart Study — the results of which will be revealed at the American College of Cardiology meetings on March 16.
More than 400,000 people enrolled in the study, which used Apple Watch to detect atrial fibrillation.
Attend an Apple Store health event
The next Apple Store health event will take place on February 21 at Apple Williamsburg in New York, followed by another on February 27 at Apple Michigan Avenue in Chicago. Dr. Desai will attend both, alongside Jenkins and other guests.
Apple is also offering a new Apple Watch Activity Challenge for Heart Month. To earn it, you will have had to close your Exercise Ring for seven days in a row from February 8 through February 14.
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