Apple Music is a healthy service for Apple. So much so, it has reportedly surpassed Spotify in paid subscribers in the United States. Unfortunately, most people aren’t a fan of the fact it’s baked into iTunes on computers. But that may be changing soon, as developer Steven Troughton-Smith weighs in on the topic.
In a couple of tweets sent out on Friday, developer Troughton-Smith has speculated that, based on evidence he’s seen, Apple may be working on separating iTunes from other apps on macOS (and Windows PC). Specifically, Troughton-Smith says “Apple is planning new (likely UIKit) Music, Podcasts, perhaps even Books, apps for macOS, to join the new TV app”. That new TV app is coming soon, so if these other apps are indeed in development it’s possible we get a look at them sooner rather than later, whether that’s from Apple or not.
I am now fairly confident based on evidence I don’t wish to make public at this point that Apple is planning new (likely UIKit) Music, Podcasts, perhaps even Books, apps for macOS, to join the new TV app. I expect the four to be the next wave of Marzipan apps. Grain of salt, etc
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) April 5, 2019
It is worth noting that there is already a standalone Books app for macOS. However, it is possible that Apple is developing a new version of the app for Macs. One that supports audiobooks, for example.
And, just to be clear, Troughton-Smith did add a second tweet that says, point-blank, this development does suggest Apple is indeed planning on breaking up iTunes to make separate apps for Music and Podcasts.
And yes, this means the much-discussed and long-awaited break up of iTunes. Finally!
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) April 5, 2019
Apple has already laid the groundwork for this, courtesy of macOS Mojave which welcomed cross-platform iOS and macOS apps. It is certainly possible that a standalone Music app is in development.
Our Take
As someone who uses Apple Music on their MacBook on a semi-regular basis, a standalone app –as far away from iTunes as possible– would be a welcomed change of pace. And one has to wonder if this change, as big as it would be, would help potential customers sign up for the service. I know more than a few people who avoid Apple Music because it’s baked into iTunes.
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