Apple’s Sign-in Button Offers Better Security by Masking User’s Contact Information
Posted by Mahit Huilgol on Jun 03, 2019 in Apple News, iPhone News, News
Apple has baked in a series of security features on the iOS 13. The new Sign-in with Apple is one of them. This feature allows users to sign-in with Apple by using FaceID/TouchID. Meanwhile, Apple masks user email address and other information. In other words, the apps now need to communicate indirectly with the users.
Users will also get to select what information is passed on to the app. If desired, they can share the email address as usual. The best part is the hide email address feature. Apple new feature creates an instant email address which will be used to communicate with the app. In other words, your actual email will be hidden from the app makers. This way, the app will not be able to spam you with emails and even if they do so, it is easy to unsubscribe/block.
I personally feel that a lot of app makers will resist including the ‘Sign in with Apple’ button. The reason is obvious, they will not be able to access customers data and this might hinder their prospects (and analytical prowess). The ‘Sign in with Apple’ button will only gain popularity if the users are adamant on using it and app makers are forced to implement.
We are not sure as to what incentives Apple is offering for the app makers. If none, then the chances are that this feature might bite the dust. That being said, it is still premature to comment and all we can do is wait and see how this security feature shaped up in the near future.
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