One of the most exciting parts of owning a jailbroken iPhone or iPad is having the freedom to customize the handset’s look and feel outside the realm of Apple’s stock parameters and disturb the monotony exhibited by most iOS devices. If you agree, then you might take a liking to a new free jailbreak tweak called NudePassScreen by iOS developer Kiran Patil.
As you might have discerned from the screenshot examples above, NudePassScreen empowers the user to colorize their handset’s passcode entry interface with virtually any color scheme they want, helping them to stand out from the rest of the crowd.
Once installed, NudePassScreen adds a preference pane to the Settings app where you can set things up to your liking:
Here, you can:
- Toggle NudePassKeys on or off on demand
- Disable the passcode key rings
- Toggle a custom key ring color on or off
- Select a custom key ring color
- Toggle a custom background color
- Select a custom background color
The developer provides a Respring button at the bottom of the preference pane so that you can save any changes you make. You should use this every time you adjust the preference pane, otherwise you may not see your changes.
Color choice is obviously a subjective topic, but since the developer provides a full-fledged color picker for both the passcode key rings and the background rather than a predefined list of colors, you can really let your imagination run rampant and get the aesthetic you’re looking for.
If you’re interested in trying NudePassScreen, then you can download it for free from Cydia’s Packix repository. The tweak is compatible with all jailbroken iOS 11 and 12 devices.
What colors will you be using for your iOS device’s passcode entry interface? Share in the comments section below!
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