Apple may have discontinued its gold-plated Apple Watch Edition back in 2016, but that hasn’t stopped some keen do-it-yourselfers from filling the void.

YouTube stars Casey Neistat and JerryRigEverything’s Zack Nelson have teamed up to dip an Apple Watch Series 4 in 24-karat pure gold — the Apple Watch Edition used 18-karat gold for comparison. And unlike the $10,000-and-up Apple Watch Edition, which is now four years old, this one can even run watchOS 5.

The process involved placing the Apple Watch in an electro-cleaner solution to make it hydrophilic, dipping it in an acid solution to etch the chrome out of it, priming it with some gold filament, and then placing it in the gold-plating solution.

For the rest of us, gold-tinted aluminum or stainless steel options will have to suffice.

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This article, "Watch an Apple Watch Get Dipped in 24-Karat Pure Gold" first appeared on

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