Various 2018 Lexus Models Get Apple CarPlay Support With an Upgrade in U.S. and Canada

While a lot of newer cars are arriving with Apple CarPlay support baked in, some older models have been left without. Even the automobiles that can technically run the software feature. Some manufacturers have gone back and upgraded older models. Some haven’t. Lexus appears to be on the right side of history on this one, at least for some 2018 models.
iPhone in Canada has the report to close out the week. Lexus has confirmed that it is allowing owners of certain 2018 models to upgrade their in-car system to support Apple CarPlay. As is par for the course with this sort of thing, the manufacturer suggests visiting your local dealership to get the upgrade:
“Your Lexus multimedia system is now eligible for an update which includes Apple CarPlay compatibility. Please contact your preferred Dealership for more details.”
So, here are the 2018 models that support the upgrade:
- LC
- LCh
- LS
- LSh
- RC
- RC F
- NX
- NXh
- 2019 NX, NXh and RC F (built before October 1, 2018)
However, this is not a cheap upgrade. Lexus says it’s happy to offer it, but you’ll need to fork over $199 to make it happen:
“Lexus is pleased to offer the enhancement at a $199 MSRP. Please contact your preferred Lexus dealer for more information.”
Back in April, we reported that Toyota was upgrading a couple of its 2018 models to support CarPlay as well. And Mazda has been offering upgrades for some 2014 and newer models since November of last year.
[via iPhone in Canada; Lexus]
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