Twitter Update Adds ‘Lights Out’ Mode for an Even Darker Dark Mode

It has been more than two years since Twitter rolled out a “dark mode” for the app on iOS. For some, though, it may not have been dark enough.
And now there is a new, darker dark mode rolling out. Twitter is calling it “Lights Out”, which is appropriate. The social network is basically expanding up on the blue/gray dark mode it launched years ago, giving users more options. Now, “Dim” is the original blue/gray dark mode that the company released back in 2016. But you can hit the “Lights Out” option in the settings pane to get a proper black background.
The new change should look pretty great on the iPhone X, iPhone XS, and iPhone XS Max with their OLED panels.
On top of that, there is a new Automatic Dark Mode feature baked into Twitter which will automatically switch on Dark Mode based on the timezone you’re in and time of day. Twitter says the new Lights Out mode is rolling out to iOS now, first, but will expand to desktop and Android at some point in the near future.
Our Take
Getting a proper dark mode is a great addition for Twitter. Better late than never, one imagines. Plus, for folks who prefer the blue/gray option at least that’s still there.
We Want To Hear From You
What do you think of the new Lights Out mode?
[via @Twitter]
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