I still prefer using Spotify over Apple Music, but that’s not to say that the former couldn’t do with some improvements. One of the most notable gripes about Spotify is that the random shuffle isn’t as random as some folks would prefer.
Here to a rescue is a new free jailbreak tweak called TrueShuffle by iOS developer Yung Specht, which, as the name implies, brings true song randomization to the Spotify app on jailbroken devices.
So what’s all the hubbub about song randomization in Spotify anyway? Does it not work as it was intended? Well… sort of.
To make a long story short, Spotify supports randomized playback, but it’s designed to prioritize music that you’ve liked in the app previously. This works out great for some, but results in randomization bias for others. Consequently, the latter group of people will experience a greater likelihood of repeated music as they listen to their randomized playlist.
Upon installing TrueShuffle, the tweak does away with Spotify’s music prioritization and ensures that you get a truly random music playback when you’ve enabled the option.
In case you were wondering, TrueShuffle doesn’t have any options configure. Moreover, the tweak is only compatible with the Spotify Music app, and will have no impact on the native Music app or any other third-party music apps that you might have installed alongside Spotify.
You won’t find TrueShuffle on any of Cydia’s default repositories; instead, it’s only available on Yung Specht’s beta repository. You’ll need to follow these steps if you wish you install the tweak for yourself:
1) Launch the Cydia app and go to the Sources tab.
2) Tap on the Edit button and then tap on the Add button.
3) In the text field of the pop-up that appears, type in the following repository URL:
4) Tap on the Add Source button and wait for the repository to load into Cydia.
5) Now you should be able to search for and install TrueShuffle from Cydia.
TrueShuffle is compatible with jailbroken iOS 11 and 12 devices with the Spotify Music app installed, and for those interested, the tweak is open source on the developer’s GitHub repository.
Has TrueShuffle solved your song randomization woes in the Spotify Music app? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.
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