If you do a lot of texting from your iOS device(s), then chances are you send an Emoji every now and again. Apple’s Emoji keyboard is already nicely polished out of the box, but now you can make it even cooler with a custom animation by way of a new free jailbreak tweak called Organic Emoji Scrubber by iOS developer Orangebananaspy.
According to the developer, the new tweak adds an “organic” animation to the Emoji scrubber in the keyboard interface. Rather than attempting to explain what the amination looks like with words, we’ve embedded some animated GIF examples below so that you can see for yourself:
After you install Organic Emoji Scrubber, you’ll find a dedicated preference pane in the Settings app where you can configure it to your liking:
Here, you can:
- Toggle the animation on or off on demand
- Adjust the animation duration
- Adjust the animation’s spring dampening
- Adjust the animation’s initial velocity
- Restore all options to their defaults
The developer includes a respring button at the bottom of the preference pane that you should use whenever you change any settings. Doing so ensures that they’re saved and that they take effect the next time you use your keyboard’s Emoji interface.
Organic Emoji Scrubber is purely aesthetic, so the choice to install it really comes down to whether you like the animation or not. Opinions will vary from one person to the next, but personally, I dig it.
If you’re interested in trying Organic Emoji Scrubber, then you can download the tweak for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repository. Not only does tweak work on all jailbroken iOS 11 and 12 devices, but the developer has open-sourced the tweak; the source code is available from the developer’s GitHub page.
What do you think about the new animation that Organic Emoji Scrubber brings to the table? Let us know in the comments section below.
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