A mockup of what controlling Spotify would look like using Siri

Using Siri to control music playback, or other media controls depending on the first-party app, is pretty helpful. However, if your app of choice is a third-party option like Spotify, then using Siri to handle playback controls isn’t an option. But it looks like that can change in iOS 13.

MacRumors is reporting on Wednesday that, along with iOS 13 and iPadOS, third-party developers will have the option to support Siri in their apps. Apple is opening up SiriKit to third-party entities like Spotify, along with third-party podcast, radio, and audiobooks apps, so that playback controls can be handled via Siri.

Opening up the functionality is just the first step. Admittedly, is a big one, though, as this should also mean that, in the future, using your voice to handle playback control will also be possible on the HomePod — the home of Apple Music. Opening up this feature is great for customers who aren’t Apple Music subscribers and choose to use Spotify or other options.

Of course, app developers actually need to add the feature into their app to make it worthwhile. But considering how this is one of the more oft-requested features out there, it seems like a safe bet that the majority of the apps out there, especially Spotify, will support Siri as soon as it can.

The reason Spotify’s name gets tossed around so much in this regard is because the music streaming giant has raised this issue in the past. Earlier this year, when Spotify leveled even more anti-competitive arguments against Apple for its fees and general App Store shenanigans, the company specifically called out not having Siri support for its app. Here we are in 2019 and it looks like we’re right on the cusp of getting it.

Is this one feature you’ve been waiting for? Or are you already well indoctrinated into the Apple first-party app family where Siri is already supported?