The Sileo Team announced a minor incremental update to the Sileo public beta on Sunday with repository-related enhancements and fixes, formally bringing the alternative iOS 11-centric package manager up to version 0.5b1.
The Sileo Team announced the update via Twitter Sunday morning, adding that it would clear the cache correctly to prevent unwanted disk space usage and add support for tint colors on jailbreak package depictions:
As you might have noticed, the Tweet also includes a screenshot
example of the Anemone 3 depiction, which shows off the newfangled support for
tinted colors in the depiction.
If you’ve jailbroken with Electra, then you’ll find this update in the Electra Team’s default repository. On the other hand, the update wasn’t substantial enough to coin a new beta preview version.
In a recent update to the Electra jailbreak tool, the Electra Team made Sileo one of the default package managers alongside Cydia. The Electra Team later noted that this was a small footstep toward replacing Cydia entirely on the Electra platform.
At the time of this writing, the Sileo package manager is in
its second beta preview. The next beta preview is expected to let the
BigBoss repository serve a single ad to its users, a move on the
Sileo Team’s part that came in response to a flurry
of backlash after it was found that Sileo wasn’t letting BigBoss
serve any ads to its users.
It’s worth noting that the Sileo package manager can also be
installed on the unc0ver jailbreak by unofficial means, but these
methods aren’t recognized nor supported by the Sileo Team. With that in mind,
you wouldn’t be able to reach out to the Sileo Team for support if something went
Are you excited about all the recent changes to the Sileo
package manager, or are you still rocking Saurik’s tried and true Cydia package
manager? Share in the comments section below.
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