In case you’ve been MIA these past few weeks, hacker and unc0ver lead developer Pwn20wnd has been working hard on a full-fledged iOS 12 jailbreak with Cydia and Cydia Substrate support. And as it would seem, he’s quickly approaching the finish line.
Small revisions to the unc0ver v3.0.0 pre-release here and there have added ‘partial’ iOS 12 support for certain devices without Cydia or Cydia Substrate; but thanks to a rootfs remount released just over a week ago, we’re now closer than ever to enjoying all the perks of a full-blown iOS 12 jailbreak with Cydia and Cydia Substrate. But just how close are we?
Pwn20wnd took to Twitter Monday morning to share a tiny status update. Based on the information provided, we can gather that the CoreTrust bypass, sandbox patches, and implementation are all but done as Pwn20wnd moves forward with critical testing to ensure user safety before pushing a public beta:
Albeit great news, there’s still no ETA for an official public release. It’s also worth noting that the unc0ver v3.0.0 pre-release doesn’t yet support all iOS 12 devices; most 4K devices (except for the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 4), A8X devices, and A12 devices fall under this category. It could still take more time for unc0ver to adopt support for what are currently unsupported handsets.
On the brighter side of things, many jailbreak tweak developers are already preparing packages for iOS 12 with the help of Jake James’ rootlessJB 3.0. That said, it shouldn’t take long for those same developers to ensure compatibility with the unc0ver jailbreak when Pwn20wnd releases full support for iOS 12.
At the time of this writing, the latest public release of the unc0ver jailbreak is version 2.2.6 with support for iOS 11.0-11.4 beta 3. The unc0ver v3.0.0 pre-release supports iOS 11.4 and 11.4.1 in addition to partial support for iOS 12, but the pre-release is a beta and you shouldn’t deploy it unless you understand the risks of beta software and understand how to fix potential problems.
All current builds of the unc0ver jailbreak tool – both production releases and public betas – can be downloaded from Pwn20wnd’s official GitHub repository. In the meantime, stay tuned to iDB for the latest jailbreak updates as they materialize.
Are you excited for Pwn20wnd to release an official iOS 12
jailbreak? Discuss in the comments section below.
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