It was only a few days ago that hacker and unc0ver lead
developer Pwn20wnd dropped
the 29th beta of the unc0ver v3.0.0 pre-release with
full-fledged Cydia and Cydia Substrate support for A8X-A11 devices running iOS
12.0-12.1.2. But the release left many devices, especially of the A7-A8 and A12
varieties, unsupported until further notice.
Fortunately, A7-A8 device users can now rest assured that
Pwn20wnd is working to support these handsets. The hacker appears to have changed his Twitter name over the
weekend to “Pwn20wnd is preparing 4K support for unc0ver,” an indication that several
unsupported handsets are about to become supported:
At this point in time, there’s no ETA for when full-fledged 4K device support might come, given how quickly Pwn20wnd managed to build the iOS 12 jailbreak after all the puzzle pieces became available, we can only speculate that it could be a few more days.
Evidently, A12 devices like the iPhone XR, XS, and XS Max still aren’t supported, and the name change doesn’t make any mention of these devices. Pwn20wnd said A12 device support would come eventually, but from what we can gather from the current circumstances, 4K support is the primary focus at this time and A12 support could follow shortly after.
On a side note, the unc0ver v3.0.0 pre-release is still very much a beta, and while it might be tempting to jailbreak your iOS 12 devices right this second, we’d strongly advise waiting for the official public release to prevent any possible bugs from manifesting as you enjoy your jailbreak.
It’s worth noting that the latest public release of the
unc0ver jailbreak tool is v2.2.6 with support for iOS 11.0-11.4 beta 4 – the unc0ver
v3.0.0 pre-release is the only iteration that supports iOS 11.4-11.4.1. Both
versions of the unc0ver jailbreak tool can be had from Pwn20wnd’s
official GitHub repository.
If you’re not already on a jailbreakable version of iOS 12, then be advised that iOS 12.1.1 beta 3 is still being signed, which means you can still downgrade to it via iTunes. You can use IPSW.me to check the signing status of any firmware version before attempting a downgrade via iTunes.
Do you have any 4K devices waiting to be jailbroken on iOS
12? Share in the comments section below!
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