Many enjoy jailbreaking their iPhones and iPads because it gives them more control over the aesthetic and behavior of their device. That said, it comes as no surprise that folks are thrilled to get their hands on a full-fledged jailbreak for iOS 12 on Apple’s latest handsets.
Albeit exciting, we’d like to remind the community that relentlessly begging for support on your device and hounding the experts for ETAs does not make things come any faster; in fact, it may only delay our waiting as the hackers behind our jailbreaks don’t much care for the spam and become frustrated as a result.
Hacker and unc0ver lead developer Pwn20wnd made a comment just this morning regarding the matter, and we advise heeding his advice:
As Pwn20wnd explains, he makes these jailbreaks because he enjoys working on them, not because of superfluous demand. In particular, the hacker mentions the headaches involving ETA requests for A12(X) support, which he has been working on for a while now.
This sort of high-profile hacking resides on the bleeding edge of Apple’s latest handsets, which sport new anti-hack mechanisms for security purposes. That said, it will take time to work through those hurdles, and Pwn20wnd is taking things one step at a time to ensure things are done correctly.
We continuously update the community on the progress of major jailbreaks as they’re released, so those anxious for an iOS 12 jailbreak are better off checking here for regular updates instead of spamming and frustrating the hackers that frequently bear fruitful gifts to the community.
As a quick recap, the unc0ver v3.0.0 pre-release currently supports all A7-A11[X] devices running iOS 11.0-12.1.2. This version of the unc0ver jailbreak tool was recently updated with full-fledged support for 4K devices (support for Cydia and Cydia Substrate), and now incorporates PsychoTea’s new machswap exploit.
More importantly, the unc0ver v3.0.0 pre-release is just that, a pre-release. It’s akin to a beta, and isn’t yet an official public release. If you aren’t an advanced jailbreaker or a tweak developer, then you should probably continue waiting for the official public release for reasons concerning compatibility and stability.
If you’re waiting for A12[X] support, please continue to be patient and don’t badger Pwn20wnd or other developers. It will be launched when it’s ready – no sooner and no later.
All versions of the unc0ver jailbreak tool are available to download from Pwn20wnd’s official GitHub repository. You can also use signing services such as Ignition or TweakBox, but please don’t download the jailbreak from anywhere else for your own safety.
For what it’s worth, iOS 12.1.1 beta 3 is still being signed, so if you’re using a newer version of iOS 12 and intend to jailbreak, then you might want to downgrade via iTunes as soon as humanly possible.
Should you have any further questions about the status of the iOS 12 jailbreak, feel free to leave a comment below.
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