‘Peanuts in Space: Secrets of Apollo 10’ Launches in May on the Apple TV App

One of the biggest deals for Apple and its Apple TV service landed back in December of last year. Brand new content based on the Peanuts franchise would arrive on the service in the future. And now we know how it will all start, with a short documentary series of sorts.
Deadline has the report on Thursday. The new short will be called Peanuts in Space: Secrets of Apollo 10, and it will try to answer one of the oldest questions of all: Was Snoopy a top-secret, but also “world famous” astronaut? The report says it will arrive sometime in May, but no specific date was provided.
The new pseudo-documentary will be available on the Apple TV app — but it won’t be part of the incoming Apple TV+, which is still set to launch later this year. It will star Ron Howard stars as himself, and Jeff Goldblum will take on the role of a self-published NASA historian, which “lightly spoofs the May 1969 NASA Apollo 10 mission that required the lunar module to skim the moon’s surface within 50,000 feet and “snoop around” scouting a site for the upcoming Apollo 11 moon-landing”.
Apollo 10’s astronaut team consisted of Gene Cernan, John Young, and Thomas Stafford. The crew, along with NASA, named the command module “Charlie Brown” for the mission, and named the lunar module “Snoopy”.
“Peanuts In Space is produced by Imagine Documentaries, DHX Media and Tremolo Productions, with Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, Justin Wilkes and Marc Gilbar exec producing for Imagine.”
Our Take
This might not be a brand new animated series with the rambunctious crew leading the way, but it sounds like this might be a fun thing to watch next month.
[via Deadline]
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