Netflix on Monday released an update to its iOS app that brings a refreshed interface to the iPhone version of its platform. The new interface features new, more fluid animations, including parallax effects to move elements around as the user moves the phone.

Netflix app for iPhone just got a new interface

Now, when you open the Netflix app on your iPhone, you’ll see a big card promoting a movie or series available on the platform. This card moves with parallax effect using the iPhone’s accelerometer. But that’s only part of the redesign, as it’s now even easier to filter content by category, switch between profiles, or use search no matter what part of the app you’re browsing through.

When you tap on a movie or show, its art cover expands to show all the details about it. The Coming Soon tab has also been redesigned and is now “What’s New,” so that it also shows recommended content for the user.

According to former Netflix UI designer Janum Trivedi, who worked on the new interface for the Netflix app, the project started development in 2022. “I’ve been leading a UI refresh to make Netflix feel more fluid, delightful, and polished. Today, all that work shipped,” Trivedi said on Twitter. He also shared a brief video showing the new interface, which you can see below:

This last year, I’ve been leading a UI refresh to make Netflix feel more fluid, delightful, and polished.

Today, all that work shipped!

Huge thanks to @nebson and @b3ll for helping bring this to life ❤️

Details below, but try it out yourself!

— Janum Trivedi (@jmtrivedi) January 16, 2023

According to Trivedi, these are all the changes coming with the latest Netflix app update:

Interestingly, the former Netflix employee also suggested that the company is “giving it some love” for the Apple TV version of its app, so it seems that Netflix will also have a new interface for tvOS in the future.

Netflix’s ad-based plan still doesn’t work on Apple TV

Netflix last year introduced a new ad-based plan in an attempt to attract more subscribers, since this tier is a bit less expensive than the others. However, the company later revealed that the new cheaper plan wouldn’t be available for Apple TV users. Unfortunately, the situation remains the same.

The company never explained why the new ad-based plan is not available in Netflix’s tvOS app. But given the current situation in which Netflix may discontinue the Basic plan without ads, Apple TV users may be forced to subscribe to the more expensive plans if they still want to watch Netflix on the device.

It’s worth noting that Netflix’s Basic plan with ads is currently available in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and South Korea.

This content was originally published here.