It wasn’t too long ago that we showed you a fun and quirky jailbreak tweak release called Magma by iOS developer NoisyFlake, which allowed users to customize the color-centric appearance of iOS’ Control Center interface.

Magma was an instant hit among jailbreakers, and this might explain why NoisyFlake has just released a more feature-packed version of Magma called Magma Pro.

Just like the Magma, Magma Pro lets you put a fresh coat of paint on the Control Center interface, but it goes more in-depth than the original tweak. While the original allowed users to colorize connectivity toggles, active toggles, and the brightness/volume sliders, Magma Pro adds the following customizability:

  • Colorize just the icon of the Connectivity toggles and remove the background
  • Colorize toggles while in an inactive state
  • Colorize and/or remove the background of active toggles
  • Colorize application shortcuts
  • Colorize the controls in the Now Playing interface
  • And more…

Upon installation, you’ll find a dedicated preference pane for Magma Pro in the Settings app where you can configure the tweak to your liking:

From here, you can enable or disable the tweak on demand, reset all options to their defaults, and adjust various other settings, which we’ll outline for you below:


From the Connectivity options, you can configure independent options for being enabled or disabled; those include:

  • Colorizing or removing the background entirely
  • Configuring a specific color for enabled and disabled states for:
    • AirDrop
    • Airplane Mode
    • Bluetooth
    • Cellular Data
    • Personal Hotspot
    • Wi-Fi


In the Toggles preference panes, you can configure the background and colorize the following items in their enabled and disabled states:

  • AirPlay
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Do Not Disturb (Car Mode)
  • Flashlight
  • Low Power Mode
  • Recording
  • Rotation Lock
  • Timer
  • Auto Lock
  • Location Services
  • Mute
  • Reduce White Point
  • Vibration
  • VPN
  • Reboot
  • Respring
  • Safe Mode
  • UI Cache
  • Whatsi Delivery Recipients
  • Whatsi Last Seen
  • Whatsi Read Receipts

Magma Pro has no shortage of options for colorizing the Control Center interface, and fortunately, this means the sky is the limit for customization. In addition to helping your handset stand out from the crowd, it’s also a great complementary tweak for themers who are trying to maintain a certain color scheme systemwide.

If you’re interested in trying Magma Pro for yourself, then you can download the tweak for $1.99 from the Packix repository in Cydia or Sileo. The tweak supports all jailbroken iOS 12 devices.

What’s your ideal colorization scheme for Control Center? Discuss in the comments section below.