macOS Catalina Snags a New Feature That Lets You Sign Documents Using iPhone/iPad
Posted by Mahit Huilgol on Jun 10, 2019 in Apple News, News
Lately, Apple has been adding a slew of useful features on the Preview app. The Preview App on macOS Catalina will let you sign documents using an iPhone or iPad. The new feature will work with any iPhone/iPad running iOS 12/iPadOS.

The biggest problem while signing documents online is the lack of precision input. Signing documents with a gesture pad or mouse is sloppy. Starting with macOS Catalina you will be able to upload a signature with the touchscreen on iPhone/iPad.
Apple had added the camera and trackpad option on macOS Mojave. Well, you will still see those options alongside new ones that are labeled “iPhone or iPad.” If you choose the iPhone/iPad, you will be asked to choose one of the devices. Once selected you can use your fingers and sign on the touchscreen. iPad users can also use the Apple Pencil to sign.
The signature will display on the Preview App once you click “Done” on the iOS device. The best part is that you can add multiple signatures, all of which will be stored on the Preview App. If required you can add a signature by heading over to Tools>Annotate>Signature>Manage Signature>Create Signature.
Our Take
I have been using the Continuity Camera feature with my iOS 12 device and MacBook. The feature lets you use the iPhone camera to capture documents, whiteboards, and signatures. Continuity Camera has come in handy while uploading live images to my personal blog or even when adding scanned documents to my research paper.
I am pretty sure that the new feature on macOS Catalina will serve its purpose. Apple has been working hard to strengthen its ecosystem and features like this are proof of it.
[via Macrumors]
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