iOS 13 Will Come With New Cow, Octopus, and Emoji Face Animoji

Ever since Apple released the iPhone X with Animoji feature, it has added new Animojis every few months. Recently, the company released iOS 12.2 with a bunch of new Animojis. With its upcoming iOS 13 update, Apple is expected to introduce more new Animojis.
As per developer Stroughton-Smith, Apple will be introducing new Animoji as a part of iOS 13. The new characters include a cow, octopus, mouse, and emoji face.
It looks like iOS 13 might get some new Animoji: a cow, octopus, mouse, and an emoji face. That last one sounds like it has potential for shenanigans 😂 /cc @_inside
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) April 22, 2019
The emoji Animoji is the one that most people are going to have a lot of fun with. As for the mouse Animoji, it is possible that Apple will debut a Mickey or Minnie mouse Animoji with iOS 13. The company already offers a Mickey and Minnie Mouse watch face on the Apple Watch so it could very well work out on the licensing aspect with Disney on this.
Our Take
While the introduction of new Animoji is always welcome, I cannot help but feel that Apple needs to open up Animojis for other platforms as well. By limiting Animojis to iMessages, Apple is greatly restricting its reach. Imagine the fun people can have if they could Animojis on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites.
There are ways to do so but they are not that elegant and a bit too cumbersome for frequent use.
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