It was only a couple of days ago that a talented hacker by the name of Jake James released rootlessJB 3.0, a developer-centric, SSH-based jailbreak that developers could deploy on A9-A11 devices running iOS 12.0-12.1.2; but it didn’t support jailbreak tweaks at the time. Fast-forward to now and this seemingly-limited jailbreak has come a long way.

Jake James took to Twitter Monday evening to announce that rootlessJB 3.0 now supports tweak injection – a means of customizing iOS outside of Apple’s stock parameters:

In one of James’ follow-up Tweets, we learn that rootlessJB 3.0 can tweak various parts of SpringBoard and unsandboxed apps; unfortunately, sandboxed apps aren’t tweakable at this time. Examples of unsandboxed apps include:

RootlessJB 3.0 still does not support Cydia or Cydia Substrate, which means tweaks need to be installed via SSH. Furthermore, PreferenceLoader is broken, which has implications for the ease of tweak configuration.

To those who might be thinking about trying rootlessJB 3.0,
James cautions the following:

  • It may not be very stable at the moment
  • It’s not recommended that you overload your device with tweaks
  • Only experienced jailbreakers and developers are advised to try rootlessJB 3.0 (novices should stay far away)
  • Be sure to read the README on James’ GitHub repository before proceeding

James is planning to upload tutorials at any time now, so keep your eyes peeled if you’re curious about how to use rootlessJB 3.0. The project is being actively worked on, and progress is being posted on James official GitHub repository.

In the meantime, those waiting on a full-fledged iOS 12 jailbreak with Cydia and Cydia Substrate support are advised to downgrade to iOS 12.1.1 immediately while it’s still being signed (check before proceeding) and wait there. Those on iOS 11.0-11.4.x can use Electra or unc0ver for jailbreaking at the time of this writing.

Are you excited about everything that’s happening in the
jailbreak community as of late? Discuss in the comments section below.