Dropbox Introduces Three-Device Limit for Free Users

In a move that’s going to frustrate a lot of its free users, Dropbox is going to enforce a three-device limit on its free accounts starting from March 2019. The company silently updated its support page with this information, without making any kind of announcement or informing its existing free users.
It is clear that this move from Dropbox is meant to force heavy and power users into upgrading to a paid storage plan from the company.
The three-device limit includes mobile devices so if you link your Dropbox account to a PC, laptop, and mobile, you have already reached that limit. Dropbox is allowing its existing free users who already had linked more than three devices to their account to keep them. But for anyone else, the three-device limit is applicable starting from March 2019.

This means that if you frequently switch devices or own multiple devices, you are left with only two options: either subscribe to Dropbox’s Plus or Professional plan which starts from $9.99/month or keep linking/unliking devices. Evernote had put a similar limit on its service a few years ago. It limited free users from accessing their notes on two devices at any given time.
This move from Dropbox is definitely going to frustrate a lot of its free users and will force many of them to upgrade to a paid storage plan or simply look elsewhere. Many of them might just consider switching to an Office 365 subscription which includes access to Microsoft’s suite of apps and services including 1TB of storage space on OneDrive.
Will this change from Dropbox force you to look elsewhere?
[Via @Liliputing]
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