Developer ports Cydia Installer to macOS using Apple’s project Marzipan
Posted by Dennis D. Bednarz on May 23, 2019 in Apple News
Ever asked yourselves “Where is Cydia for macOS”? Well, maybe you have, maybe you haven’t. But that’s beside the point. Steve Troughton-Smith, a very well known Apple software enthusiast and hacker has managed to port Cydia to macOS.
While Cydia’s code is very complicated and porting the APT/DPKG (the thing that actually installs stuff on your phone and manages sources) would be months work of job, Mr Smith has managed to “pull the APT guts out” and port the GUI of the application itself.
For funsies, I thought I’d waste a day porting Cydia to macOS via Marzipan. It runs! 👋 @saurik. (I did rip out all the APT parts because it was easier on my mental health than figuring out how to build APT, but that’s nbd to recompile for those with a working setup)
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) May 19, 2019
While the project is useless for most users as it’s only a demo, it’s still impressive that Apple’s Marzipan can already run such complicated software. On top of that, the iOS app compatibility layer has not even been publicly released yet meaning that every iOS app you see running is using a hacked version of Marzipan from macOS Mojave.
WWDC19 is getting closer, and we expect to see more on the matter there. Stay updated with to not miss anything!
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