Deal: $100 iTunes Gift Card for $85

Looking to buy an iTunes Gift card? PayPal’s store on eBay has discounted the $100 iTunes Gift Card by 15 percent. This means you can grab one for just $85.
We have seen retailers offer discounts of as much as 20 percent on $100 iTunes Gift Card during the holiday season last year. However, you are unlikely to get as good a deal as that during this time of the year.
The gift card will be delivered over email which means you will be able to gift it to your friends, family, or loved ones during the upcoming Christmas holiday. The deal will likely only last until stocks last or for a few hours so make sure to pull the trigger on it as soon as possible. Do note that the iTunes gift card is only for U.S. Apple ID users.
You can use an iTunes gift card towards app purchases on the iOS App Store. Additionally, it can also be used for purchases in the iBooks Store, and the iTunes Store towards your purchase of music, movies, and more. You can also use the iTunes gift card towards an Apple Music subscription which would essentially help you score a subscription to the music streaming service at a discount.
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