Upon unlocking your iPhone or iPad, an aesthetically-pleasing animation brings all your Home screen‘s icons into view. On the other hand, pressing the side button to lock your device results in an instantly-black display, as if Apple never intended to incorporate a locking animation into iOS.
If you wish your handset’s locking animation had a bit more spunk than it does out of the box, then you’ll come to appreciate a free jailbreak tweak dubbed LockAnim by iOS developer Julio Verne. Just as the name implies, this tweak brings a bevy of new locking animations to the table, giving you a lot more choice in what you see when you press that side button on your handset.
Once installed, you’ll find a preference pane in the Settings
app where you can set the tweak up however you’d like:
Here, you can:
- Enable or disable the tweak on demand
- Choose the locking animation you’d like to use:
- Configure the animation’s duration
- Reset the settings to their defaults
As you can see, the list of animations you can choose from
is somewhat extensive. You can easily sample all of them without respringing your
device each time, which we thought was a nice touch.
Out of all the available animations, two of my favorites
were Explode and TV off. To give you an idea of what those look like, we’ve
embedded two animated GIF images below:
TV off:
Another thing worth mentioning about LockAnim is that while
it displays these animations when you lock your device manually with the side
button, it also displays these animations when your device’s lockout timer
strikes zero and it locks itself automatically.
As it would seem, LockAnim has all its bases covered, and it’s a great way to add some character to your jailbroken handset if you haven’t already found a solution to Apple’s locking animation conundrum.
If you’re interested in trying LockAnim, then you can download it for free from Julio Verne’s beta repository in Cydia. The tweak plays nicely with all jailbroken iOS 10 and 11 devices and its source code is publicly-available on the developer’s GitHub repository.
Have you tried LockAnim yet? If so, what was your favorite
animation from the list? Share with us in the comments section below.
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