Exactly one month ago today, jailbreaker Samg_is_a_Ninja managed to create an installer for the Sileo package manager for iOS 11 devices that had been pwned with Pwn20wnd’s unc0ver tool instead of CoolStar’s Electra tool, and we even published a tutorial explaining how to use it. But has this unofficial installation method been intentionally killed by the Sileo Team?
A concerning Reddit post published
early Monday morning by Samg_is_a_Ninja claims that CoolStar has privatized
the electratools GitHub page, effectively killing his Sileo installer project
for the unc0ver jailbreak. Samg_is_a_Ninja later posted the following comment
in response to the thread:
While I understand him not wanting to support Sileo on unc0ver, CoolStar is now doing everything he can to make my life difficult, and I honestly don’t care enough anyways. I was hoping for some sort of cooperative effort between me and CoolStar to make this happen, however his hate for pwn20wnd and unc0ver is apparently too strong for him to want to work with me, and when I tried to make it work on my own, he’s done everything he can to kill it, inlining every function me and the oceanteam have used as “performance enhancements” (which honestly doesn’t improve very much), and now this…
Sileo isn’t even close to being as functional as Cydia, honestly just don’t use it.
Upon clicking on the embedded link, we can confirm at the time of this writing that the electratools GitHub page now directs us to a 404 Not Found page on the GitHub website. This wasn’t always the case, and as it would seem this transpired only recently:
Both the Electra Team and Sileo Team have hyped up their Sileo package manager, a theoretical ‘replacement’ for Cydia on jailbroken iOS 11 devices, but it seems more and more like Sileo is becoming none other than a Cydia replacement for Electra devices. It’s not uncommon for CoolStar to limit his development to the Electra jailbreak, as we witnessed with his previous jailbreak tweak release called Ventana.
In a recent update to the Electra jailbreak tool, the Electra Team made
Sileo one of the default package managers alongside Cydia. The Electra Team
later noted that this was a small footstep toward replacing Cydia entirely on
the Electra platform.
At the time of this writing, the Sileo package manager is in its second beta
preview. The next beta preview is expected to let
the BigBoss repository serve a single ad to its users, a move on the Sileo
Team’s part that came in response to
a flurry of backlash after it was found that Sileo wasn’t letting BigBoss
serve any ads to its users.
It’s unfortunate to see such a divide and unwillingness to
work with others in the jailbreak community because this behavior directly
impacts the jailbreakers who call it home. Furthermore, the jailbreak community
was conceived with the dream of creating an ‘open’ platform for all users, and
actions of this nature go against everything jailbreaking stands for.
How do you feel about the current circumstances surrounding
Sileo, and will it impact your choice to use it over Cydia? Discuss in the
comments section below.
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