Apple Watch with watchOS 6 Can Display Apple ID Verification Codes
Posted by Mahit Huilgol on Jun 10, 2019 in Apple News, News
watchOS 6 packs in a new security feature. Next time you sign in to your Apple ID on a new device, then the Apple Watch will automatically alert you. The watch will also display the approximate location of the user. If you want to allow the sign-in, a six-digit verification code will be displayed on the Apple Watch. Enter the code on the new device or browser.
Something I haven’t seen before watchOS 6: the Apple Watch can now receive and display Apple ID Verification Codes as a trusted device for 2-factor authentication.
— Jeremy Horwitz (@horwitz) June 10, 2019
This is not entirely a new feature. Two Factor authentication was available on iPhones and iPads starting from iOS 9 and on Mac from OS X El Capitan. Now the functionality has been extended to Apple Watch via watchOS 6. Please note that you need to enable two-factor authentication to get this feature on Apple Watch.
Our Take

Two-factor authentication is a very important feature that safeguards your Apple ID. With this functionality, you can be sure that only you can access the account. The two-factor authentication is also useful when someone has stolen your password, they will not be able to sign in without the six-digit verification code. Additionally, the feature also shows the approximate location of the device which is signing in.
Unlike other devices, Apple Watch is something that we always wear. This means the notification along with security code will be brought to users attention almost immediately.
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