Apple Watch Series 4 With LTE Launching in Poland on April 12
Posted by Evan Selleck on Mar 29, 2019 in Apple News, Apple Watch, Apple Watch 4, News

If you live in Poland and you’ve been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the LTE-equipped Apple Watch Series 4, the wait is almost over.
Apple added the incoming launch of the Apple Watch Series 4 with LTE in Poland to its Polish website recently. The wireless carrier Orange, meanwhile, has already confirmed it will be carrying the cellular-enabled smartwatch when it launches. Pre-orders will start on Friday, April 5, and the Series 4 smartwatch will launch on Friday, April 12.
Unfortunately, at the time of publication, there is no word on pricing just yet. However, considering the pre-orders start right around the corner it stands to reason that we’ll see more information on that front sooner rather than later.
Our Take
It would be nice if Apple, at some point in the future here, could launch new products at once in every market around the globe. But that’s probably not going to happen, so these staggered launches are what we’ll have to work with. It’s one of those “better late than never”, though, so hopefully the Apple Watch Series 4 finds a warm welcome in Poland next month.
We Want To Hear From You
If you’re in Poland, are you planning on picking up the LTE-equipped Apple Watch Series 4 when it launches?
[via Apple; Orange; MacRumors]
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