Apple Seeds tvOS 12.3 Beta 1 to Developers

Posted by Evan Selleck on Mar 27, 2019 in Apple TV, News, tvOS 12

Apple TV 4K

Apple launched tvOS 12.2 to the public not too long ago. Now, Apple is moving right along with the latest update for the set-top box.

Today, Apple officially seeded the first developer beta of tvOS 12.3. This update is more than likely going to be minor in scale, especially considering the last public update for tvOS was minor as well. However, it is possible that Apple is going to release some forward facing features for the end user at some point during the beta seed process.

For instance, Apple recently announced a brand new, revamped Apple TV app and TV Channels. (Along with Apple TV+.) It is possible that tvOS 12.3 will lay the groundwork for that public launch later this year.

To update, developers need to have an Xcode profile to install the software on the set-top box. tvOS 12.3 is designed specifically for the fourth- and fifth-generation Apple TV units.

If it is discovered that any new features have been added to tvOS 12.3, we will update this post accordingly.

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