Back in August of last year, it was reported that Apple’s plans to launch a car of its own were back on track and that we could see the automobile launch within the next five to seven years. Interestingly enough, it turns out that Apple may have had a different plan of attack back in 2013 that involved Tesla.

Tesla has become one of the most popular electric vehicle companies on the planet. But things could have been very different in 2019 if Apple had been able to buy the company back in 2013. According to analyst Craig Irwin of Roth Capital Partners, Apple did try to buy Tesla several years ago at $240 per share.

The news is coming out now, several years later, in light of Tesla’s share price dipping below that original amount. None of this has been confirmed by Apple or Tesla, of course, so consider this a firm rumor at this point. However, Irwin says he is very confident that the information is accurate:

I have complete confidence that this is accurate. Apple bid for Tesla. I don’t know if it got to a formal paperwork stage, but I know from multiple different sources that this was very credible.

Irwin also states that Apple’s plans to build its own autonomous electric vehicle are still ongoing, and that the company has not abandoned that goal just yet. But that also doesn’t mean that Apple has lost interest in buying Tesla, or in the expertise of the people working at the company. Irwin states that he believes Apple could still try to buy Tesla (again), especially seeing as the share prices have dropped.

Workplace poaching is very much a thing, and, if reports have been accurate in the past, Apple has been gaining quite a few people from Tesla over the years. Many of which have the expertise Apple is looking for as it develops its own electric vehicle.

Here’s the video interview with Irwin and CNBC.

Still, buying Tesla and getting all of that wealth of knowledge –at least from the people who would stick around– would be a big win for Apple. Will the company actually buy Tesla? That would definitely be interesting.

What do you think? Should Apple buy Tesla?