Apple Now Hiring More Software Engineers Than Hardware Engineers
Posted by Evan Selleck on Mar 01, 2019 in Apple Rumors, News

While Apple isn’t quite perfect when it comes to hardware, it can get pretty close. But that doesn’t take away from the importance of software.
Especially when it comes to the marriage of hardware and software that Apple touts. Apparently the company has found itself in a groove when it comes to hardware engineers, and is looking to reach the same goal for software. According to data from Thinknum, Apple is consistently seeking more software engineers than hardware these days. The data shows that the company’s “software and services” job listings outpace hardware divisions. That has been the case since the third quarter of last year.
The data is pulled directly from Apple’s job board, and it does not include any listings that might be out there on third-party sites. And the website has been collecting data since 2016. That being said, this appears to be the first time this shift in hiring focus has happened since that time. There is no data from the site to show before 2016, though, so it’s unknown if this is the first time this has happened.

Services and software are of vital importance to Apple in this stage of its life. At this point in time, its Services division has seen continuous year-over-year revenue increases on a consistent basis. And while the transition has seen some rank-and-filed employees shaken up, there is plenty to look forward to. That includes an incoming news subscription service, and the company’s movie and TV streaming service.
Of course, iOS and the other elements of software that have helped Apple become so popular need constant upkeep, renovations, and new additions. It doesn’t seem all that surprising that Apple is hiring more in these departments.
[via MacRumors; Thinknum]
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