Apple today announced the surprise launch of a new MacBook Pro model, which it is calling the fastest Mac notebook ever. The new machine features Intel’s 8th and 9th-generation processors, with high-end models featuring eight cores for the first time.
According to Apple, the new MacBook Pro offers two times faster performance than a quad-core MacBook Pro and 40 percent more performance than a 6-core MacBook Pro.
Aside from new processors, the updated MacBook Pro models continue to feature the same design, despite rumors that Apple would introduce a 16 to 16.5-inch MacBook Pro in 2019. There are some internal updates, though.
Though not mentioned in the press release, The Loop confirms that the new machine has an updated keyboard. The new keyboard uses a new material that Apple says will cut down on the failure problems that users have seen.
Another change in the newest MacBook Pro computers is with the keyboard. While Apple says the vast majority of its customers are happy with the keyboard, they do take customer complaints seriously, and work to fix any issues.
To address the problem, Apple said they changed the material in the keyboard’s butterfly mechanism that should substantially reduce problems that some users have seen.
This article, "Apple Debuts New 8-Core MacBook Pro With Updated Keyboard" first appeared on
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