Another Member of Jony Ive’s Industrial Design Team Leaving Apple
Posted by Rajesh Pandey on May 01, 2019 in Apple News, News

Another key member of Jony Ive’s industrial design team at Apple, Miklu Silvanto, will be leaving the team to join Airbnb’s design studio Samara. Silvanto will be the fourth major team member of Ive’s design team to leave the group.
Silvanto had joined Apple back in 2011. He will now be leading the industrial and interaction design team at Backyard which is a part of Airbnb’s design studio Samara.
“Samara has a huge ambition that will be very difficult to carry out, but it’s exactly the kind of big, crazy gamble that these kinds of companies should be taking,” he said. “The nature of the work and the creative approach we’re taking make me optimistic for the future.”
Led by Jony Ive, Apple’s design team has received a lot of praise for the beautiful design of the Cupertino company products. However, relatively newer product launches have not really pushed the boundary in terms of industrial design which can perhaps be the reason behind such experienced members leaving the design team.
Maybe with a fresh set of faces and new people, Ive’s design team will once again be able to churn out products with iconic product designs that they were once known for.
[Via Dezeen]
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