If you’ve just jailbroken your iOS 12 device with unc0ver and you’re looking for new and exciting ways to customize the user experience, then you might take an interest in a newly-released jailbreak tweak called Amour 2 by iOS developers Luke Muris and Geometric Software.

With Amour 2, you can make your handset stand out from everyone else’s by customizing the handset’s locking and unlocking animations. The concept isn’t particularly new, but the apparent popularity of the original Amour tweak helped motivate the developer to release to the latest version.

Once installed, Amour 2 adds a preference pane to the Settings app where you can configure the tweak to your liking:

Here, you can:

  • Toggle the tweak on or off on demand
  • Enable a custom locking animation
    • Choose a custom locking animation
      • Shrink
      • Suck Down
      • Slide Up
      • Side Down
      • Slide Left
      • Slide Right
      • TV
      • Explode
    • Adjust the animation duration
  • Enable a custom unlocking animation
    • Choose a custom locking animation
    • Adjust the animation duration

A respring isn’t required to save preference adjustments, so you can easily lock and unlock your device immediately after making changes to see how they look.

Of all the different animations to choose from, my personal favorite is the TV animation. This retro-style animation is nostalgic to me, as I’ve been using jailbreak tweaks to put this animation on my device(s) for years. It’s also quite nice that the developer lets you customize the animation durations.

If you’re interested in trying Amour 2, then you can download it from Cydia’s Packix repository for just $1.49. The tweak works with all jailbroken iOS 12 devices, although the developer warns that the unlock animation will not work on notched devices – locking animations should work as expected, however.

If you’ve tried Amour 2, then what was your favorite animation? Share in the comments section below.