Jay Freeman’s Cydia package manager has long enjoyed being the default platform for installing jailbreak apps and tweaks on jailbroken handsets, but even this renowned piece of software has a predecessor.
Veteran jailbreakers who’ve been pwning their handsets since the iPhoneOS 1 days will do good to remember the original package manager for jailbroken devices – Installer 3 by Ripdev & Nullriver Software – and after more than a decade, the project is now being open-sourced.
Installer project lead Sammy Guichelaar made the exciting announcement via Twitter just last week, linking to the project’s official GitHub page:
Being open-sourced means that the entire world can now view the project’s source code and learn more about how it worked. Open-sourced projects are becoming more common as of late, with one of the most recent examples being the unc0ver jailbreak tool by hacker Pwn20wnd.
Open-sourced software is beneficial for the community; not only does it inspire aspiring programmers to learn more about the art of coding, but it often helps younger programmers to obtain a firmer grasp on their coding career.
With that said, we’re excited to see that the Installer 3 project has been officially open-sourced. If you’re interested in learning more about what made Installer 3 tick, then you can now visit this GitHub link to do just that.
Will you be snagging a look at the Installer 3 source code? Discuss your reaction to the announcement in the comments section below.
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