‘Sign in with Apple’ Will Be Mandatory for Apps That Offer Third-Party Login

Posted by Dennis D. Bednarz on Jun 06, 2019 in Apple News

Apple was applauded for introducing the “Sign in with Apple” service, as the company has a particularly good reputation in regards to privacy. But this may not be the end of it, as the tech giant will make it mandatory to include support for it in apps that already support third-party login.

This is certainly appreciated by users, even if developers aren’t too happy about having to implement yet another sign in option on their websites and apps now. Without making it mandatory, Apple would have opened up the door to allow developers to simply ignore the feature and let third-parties abuse and harvest user data.

Users generally believe and trust Apple when it comes to privacy due to its solid stance against collecting user data or at least minimise it. Apple has been outed as a “privacy as a service” company lately, with a unique business model compared to other tech giants that often rely heavily on abusing and collecting data of their users.

As a side note, it is unknown at the moment how or if “Sign in with Apple” will work on non-Apple platforms. We expect that there will be a way to use Apple sign in on the web, with unofficial frameworks adding the functionality to Windows and Android apps at some point.

[via BrinkWire]

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