iOS 13 Code has References to the Apple’s Personal Item Tracker

Posted by Mahit Huilgol on Jun 04, 2019 in Apple News, iPhone News

A couple of months ago it was rumored that Apple is readying new hardware that looked like the Tile item tracker. As per the earlier rumors, the Tile could be attached to any item and will be paired with iCloud. Users will be able to get notifications once the tile moves far away from their device.

The users will also get notifications when the device is far away from the tag. However, one could neutralize the alarm in certain places like the house or office. In these places, the Tile would not trigger an alarm. Well, it seems like this rumor is going to be true after all. Developers, Steve Moser, and Rambo from 9to5Mac have found references to Apple’s item tracker on the iOS 13 code.

This new product will be a tag that can be attached to any item – similar to other products like Tile. The tag will be paired to a user’s iCloud account by proximity to an iPhone, like AirPods. Users will be able to receive notifications when their device gets too far away from the tag, preventing them from forgetting the item the tag is attached to.-Rambo

That being said, we are not sure when Apple will release the item tracker. As of now, the new piece of hardware is known by its codename, B389. Apple might release the item tracker alongside the new iPhones and the iPads in September this year. Are you interested in an Apple made item tracker? Let us know in the comment section below.

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