After over 18 years on Google’s (and parent Alphabet’s) board of directors, Eric Schmidt will be leaving the position in June, the company told investors yesterday.
From the release:
After over 18 years on the Board, Eric Schmidt is not seeking re-election at the expiration of his current term on June 19, 2019. He will continue as a technical advisor to Alphabet. Eric has served as a member of the Board since March 2001. He was Google’s Chief Executive Officer from July 2001 to April 2011, and its Executive Chairman from April 2011 until January 2018.
As Daring Fireball’s John Gruber noted, Schmidt is only 63 years old but “Google was never really his company—it’s always been Larry Page’s and Sergei Brin’s company.” Schmidt was hired as Google’s CEO back in 2001 to provide “adult supervision” to young co-founders Page and Brin.
He has since presided over Google’s IPO and its staggering successes like Android, YouTube, Gmail, Google Maps and AdSense, with Forbes estimating his net worth to be nearly $14 billion. He was at times criticized for making disparaging comments about Apple and its fans.
The general public will probably probable remember him for his awkward comments relating to Google’s intent to approach, but not cross the Creepy Line.
Alphabet has appointed Robin L. Washington to the board, saying she will also serve on Alphabet’s Leadership Development and Compensation Committee.
Aside from Schmidt, another long-standing board member and executive has opted not to seek re-election: Diane Greene. A member of the board since January 2012, Greene will be leaving the board at the expiration of her current term on June 19, 2019.
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