Apple Stops Signing iOS 12.1.4 Following iOS 12.2 Release, Downgrading No Longer Possible

Following the release of iOS 12.2 towards the end of March, Apple has gone ahead and stopped signing iOS 12.1.4. This means that it is no longer possible to downgrade back to iOS 12.1.4.
This is unlikely to bother most iPhone uses since they are more likely to enjoy the new features and enhancements that iOS 12.2 brings. However, if you are someone who wants to get in on the jailbreaking board, this is definitely a bad news.
Most developers in the jailbreaking community recommend staying on the lowest iOS release possible as there is a high chance of a jailbreak being available for it when compared to a newer release. There’s already an iOS 12 – iOS 12.1.2 jailbreak available for all iPhones barring the iPhone XS and iPhone XR, though the unc0ver team is working on adding support for them.
Given that iOS 13 is a few months away from release and that there’s already an iOS 12-iOS 12.1.2 jailbreak available, it is unlikely that we are going to see a jailbreak for iOS 12.1.4 or a newer release of the OS.
Ultimately, if your iPhone is running anything newer than iOS 12.1.2, you are essentially out of luck and cannot jump in on the jailbreaking scene.
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