Latest Unc0ver Jailbreak Beta for iOS 12 – iOS 12.1.2 Fixes Major Instability Issues

Posted by Rajesh Pandey on Mar 14, 2019 in Jailbreak iOS 12, Unc0ver Jailbreak


The @pwn20wnd team has released a new beta of Unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 12 – iOS 12.2 which fixes a major instability issue while loading tweaks.

The update also fixes the random slowdowns and crashes that many users reported after using Unc0ver to jailbreak their iPhone. For others, it also solved the respring loop their device used to go every once in a while. If the update still does not help solve the respring issue, you can turn the Reload System Daemons option in Unc0ver.

If that does not help solve the random reboots and freezes, you should downgrade Snowboard to v1.0.1 as that seems to have worked for many people.

Below is the full change-log of Unc0ver v3.0.0 b46:

  • Improve assertion

  • Prevent device from sleeping while app is active

  • Internally disable the “Disable App Revokes” switch and revert its changes if it was used before to prevent major instability issues that caused issues with loading tweaks on iOS 12

  • Update the APT lists cache file for repositories

The latest release of Unc0ver also makes the jailbreaking process noticeably faster, with resprings being around 3-5 seconds shorter for most people.

If you have already used Unc0ver to jailbreak your iPhone, you can update to the latest release by simply updating the app through Impactor or Reprovision and then re-jailbreaking your device again.

Once you have already jailbroken your iPhone or iPad running iOS 12 – iOS 12.1.2, make sure to check out the list of the best jailbreak tweaks and Cydia sources to have the best jailbreaking experience possible.

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