Apple today announced the winners of its Shot on iPhone challenge. The company has selected 10 winners and their submissions would be featured inside Apple retail stores, billboards in select cities, and online. Apple says the winning photos were captured from iPhones ranging from iPhone 7 to the iPhone XS Max.
The Shot on iPhone challenge was announced by Apple in the second half of January. The company accepted submissions from iPhone photographers from across the world. Initially, Apple was not going to compensate the winners for using their photos for marketing purposes. However, due to the backlash that followed, the company had to change its stance and it decided to compensate the winners accordingly.
The entries were judged by an international panel of judges which included Pete Souza, Austin Mann, Annet de Graaf, Luísa Dörr, Chen Man, Phil Schiller, Kaiann Drance, Brooks Kraft, Sebastien Marineau-Mes, Jon McCormack and Arem Duplessis. The winners are from across the world including Singapore, Belarus, Germany, Israel, and the United States. Below are some of the winning entries.
The above photos simply show what the iPhone camera is capable of. With some winning entries being clicked on the iPhone 7, the results are a testament to the fact that a tool is only as good as its user. Despite sensor and processing algorithm limitations, owners of older iPhones have truly managed to capture some amazing photos from their iPhone.
For all the winners and the thoughts of the judges on the winning captures, head over to the source link below.
[Via Apple]
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