Apple is going to offer the first glimpse at its original content during its March event, reports Variety. Citing sources familiar with the company’s plans, the outlet says we could see clips of multiple shows, including the untiled drama set behind the scenes of a network news morning show starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon and Steve Carell.
Additionally, contrary to recent reports, Variety says that Apple’s video service isn’t going to be ready to launch until the summer, or even the fall.
Sources familiar with the plans say Apple’s video service will be targeted for a launch in summer or fall rather than the April timing that has been the subject of media speculation. Apple has vowed to its high-caliber producing partners to mount marketing blitzes on behalf of the shows in addition to the service itself. There’s an awareness that stars such as Aniston and Witherspoon do not want to take a back seat to promotion for the video service launch itself.
Sources also cautioned that specific plans for the press event and how the video service will be introduced could be in flux until the minutes before Cook steps on stage. Apple prizes secrecy and the surprise factor at its public events, which means the company is likely to keep even its creative partners guessing until the day arrives.
Earlier this week, Bloomberg reported that Apple has invited major Hollywood names to the March event, including the aforementioned Aniston and Witherspoon, actress Jennifer Garner and filmmaker J.J Abrams. BuzzFeed says the event will take place on March 25, and will also see the debut of a subscription News service, but no new hardware.
Source: Variety
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